Certificate of Compliance
The National Center for Wildlife, represented by the Internal Audit Department, has obtained a professional accreditation certificate titled “General Compliance with the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF).” The accreditation is classified as overall conformity, which is the highest rating achievable within this framework. This accreditation is part of the Independent External Quality Assessment Program provided by the Saudi Association of Internal Auditors, a specialized professional entity affiliated with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA-GLOBAL).
The certificate, with its highest classifications, is a result of the active role of the Internal Audit Department at the Center. The department has made substantial contributions to improving internal processes across all center units, aligning them with the latest globally recognized methods and standards while enhancing governance, risk management, and control.
The Saudi Association of Internal Auditors commended the level of professionalism achieved by the Internal Audit Department’s team, recognizing their commitment to sound foundations and professional practices that contribute added value to the center. The certification was achieved within a year and a half of establishing the department at the center, which reflects positively on both the department and the center as a whole.